Tenacious Representation In Workers’ Compensation
After a serious injury at work, it is very important to consult with an attorney willing to investigate and evaluate your situation. In many cases throughout our firm’s 70-plus year history, we have helped individuals and families obtain sizeable compensation to deal with the hardship caused by disability or a tragic wrongful death.
Other Sources Of Recovery — Third-Party Liability
We are committed not only to providing assistance with your workers’ compensation claim, but to determining whether someone other than your employer may be liable for damages. Upon investigation, some workplace accidents and injuries turn out to be entirely or partially caused by third parties — such as contractors, equipment manufacturers or consultants. Although a workers’ compensation disability claim is likely your first line of recourse, successful litigation against a third party for injuries may produce a much larger financial recovery.
Falls And Other Construction Accidents — Products Liability Cases — On-The-Job Auto Accidents
As veteran investigators, negotiators and trial lawyers, we are prepared to pursue compensation for you as a worker injured due to someone’s negligence. For example, we know from experience how to approach:
- Falls and injuries from impact on construction sites — often involving scaffolding, ladders or trenching — or in other workplaces
- Injuries or a wrongful death attributable to dangerous, defective or improperly maintained products such as machinery or tools
- Car, trucking or other motor vehicle accidents that occur on the job
Our legal team is dedicated to applying our skills to the benefit of injured people and grieving families. We offer sensitivity for our clients’ losses and challenges, as well as the tenacious legal representation often required to obtain a meaningful financial settlement or verdict.
For Skilled Workers’ Compensation Guidance Call 866-913-0134
Please contact our offices if you have suffered a serious injury at your workplace, while on the job (while driving or working off-site), or if you have lost a loved one in a workplace tragedy. We are your committed, passionate advocates and will find the answers as to what happened. There is no charge for us to evaluate your case in workers’ comp and workplace accident cases. We handle cases in Noblesville, Hamilton County and throughout central Indiana including Indianapolis.